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Spiritual Life

At Lipscomb Academy we see spiritual formation as the process of growing more aware of God’s presence and becoming more like Christ, through the Spirit in order to live in right relationship with God, self, and others, in every dimension of life.

Spiritual development is woven into everything we do. Science experiments become an opportunity to recognize the power and activity of God on earth. Historical events become a chance to discuss issues and topics in our society as we seek to love others well. Reflecting on literature becomes your child’s doorway to see how their life is a part of God’s bigger story. 

Faith is integrated into Lipscomb’s curriculum through foundational standards that start with the spiritual formation of our faculty and staff so that they can guide students in how to encounter God’s presence, to see all people, including themselves, as created in God’s image, and to engage the world with a kingdom vision.

God. Self. Others. 

The theme for the 2024-2025 School Year


One of the best things about living in Nashville is the privilege of experiencing all four seasons. Over the course of a year, it is normal to witness the ground covered with a blanket of white snow, the trees bursting with green leaves, the warmer temperatures packed with humidity and sunshine, and a backdrop filled with beautiful and vibrant trees. Our lives are also full of seasons, ups and downs, high and lows, and everything in between. In a world of ever changing situations, political climates, trends, and circumstances, it is important to cling to the One who never changes. 

This year our theme is SEASONS. As a school we will listen and learn from people in Scripture and people in and around our school community who experienced periods of challenges, times of great joy, transformation and renewal. This year, our students and faculty will acknowledge the many seasons of life but focus on the abundant life that is found by clinging to a God who is constant and sovereign. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever… Hebrews 13:8

Lipscomb Academy’s chapel practicum class appoints a spiritual theme for each year. The students prayerfully ask for God to give both clarity and discernment in selecting a theme that is of His will for the upcoming school year. They also spend class time researching ideas and gathering input from teachers, staff, and students from our youngest Mustangs to our seniors. They design a logo to depict the theme and present their final idea to administrators in the late spring. Throughout the year the theme is used to shape chapel, teacher development periods, and advisory discussions ensuring its impact extends beyond just an idea. 

The spiritual themes have been a source of unity and purpose that helps to focus us on God’s mission for Lipscomb Academy. 

Our Programs

Relationship. Presence. Image. Relevance. Giftedness. Service.

Spiritual formation should be displayed in the life of your child in real and meaningful ways. Our strongest desire is to see our students live more like Jesus and become disciples with an active, living faith.