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University Opportunity

Lipscomb Academy provides a college preparatory education like no other. The academy has a unique and privileged connection with Lipscomb University, one of Nashville’s most respected institutions of higher learning.

Lipscomb University, one of the nation’s leading institutions, is one of only seven percent of institutions in the country classified as a doctoral university by the Carnegie Foundation. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, academy students have access to university resources and facilities.

From the ordinary to the extraordinary, academy students have access to university resources and facilities. At the most basic level, Lipscomb Academy students benefit from a 24-hour security force, health care services, and admission to many university events such as special speakers and athletic events.

University Classes- Dual Enrollment 

Dual Enrollment is a unique opportunity available to Lipscomb Academy juniors and seniors. Students have the option to step the campus of Lipscomb University, earning up to as much as a year of college credit by the time they graduate giving them a head start on their college pursuits.

Dual enrollment allows current high school students to take college-level classes. If the student passes the class, it will count for both high school and college credit. Unlike AP classes, students do not have to pass an exam to earn college credit. College admissions counselors may consider dual credit grades during the admissions process.

Students should meet with their academic counselor before enrolling in a dual enrollment class.

Lipscomb University Facilities

More academic advantages include access to the university library and computer network, interacting with professors, taking university courses, and the academy’s IGNITE program.

In addition, students of all ages are able to take advantage of university facilities and learning programs throughout the course of an academic year.

The Lipscomb University connection provides regular opportunities for Lipscomb Academy students to hear from national and international speakers, scholars, and professionals in both classroom and event settings. Students will have the advantage of accessing comprehensive libraries, science laboratories, and computer facilities found only in higher learning facilities.

This strong tie between Lipscomb Academy and Lipscomb University provides for a distinct educational advantage, enhancing the academic, relational and spiritual experience for parents and students alike.